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Professional Underground Fault Locator Services in Central and Southern Maine

Casco Bay Electric is proud to offer professional underground fault locator services in Central and Southern Maine. Our experienced technicians are highly trained and certified to provide fault location service with the latest methods, technology, and safety protocols. We understand that locating faults can be a challenging task, which is why we make it our priority to ensure every job is completed to the highest standards. Our technicians are knowledgeable and capable of locating faults quickly and accurately, saving our customers time and money.

Open Circuit Fault in Central and Southern Maine

Open Circuit Fault

An open circuit fault is a break in the line, which can cause a loss of power and/or short circuit protection. It is less disruptive than a short circuit fault, but still needs to be addressed by a professional. Casco Bay Electric’s technicians have the expertise to locate these faults quickly and accurately. Our fault location services include high voltage tests, voltage drop tests, loop impedance measurements, current injection testing, cable tracing, and visual inspection.

Short Circuit Fault

There are two main types of short circuit faults: symmetrical faults and unsymmetrical faults. When a symmetrical fault occurs, three phases are short-circuited. You may hear a symmetrical fault referred to as a three-phase fault. An unsymmetrical fault occurs when the magnitude of an electrical current is not equal and is displaced by at least 120 degrees.

Causes of Cable Faults

Cable faults can have a variety of causes. However, many occur due to moisture entering the cable’s insulation. Moisture can corrode the insulation, leading to a short circuit or open circuit fault. Other potential causes of cable faults can include physical damage, aging and deterioration, improper installation, loose connections, and faulty components. Lead sheaths in older cables can also become damaged when lead crystallizes as a result of vibration.

Different Methods of Fault Location

There are two main methods of fault location: the online method and the offline method. The online method takes a sample of the current and voltages in order to identify the fault points. This method is often used with underground cables. The offline method uses a special instrument to measure the line length and resistance. This method is typically used for overhead power lines, as it does not require any current flow through the conductor.

Choose Us for Underground Cable Fault Services

At Casco Bay Electric, we provide reliable and cost-effective underground cable fault location services. Our technicians are highly trained and certified to ensure that all jobs are completed correctly, whether residential or commercial. We have handled electrical installations and electrical Services for projects from many major companies, including HGTV’s 2021 Dream House in Portland, Maine.

Contact Us for Underground Fault Locators in Maine

If you are looking for professional underground fault location services in Central and Southern Maine, Casco Bay Electric is here to help. With our expertise and experience, we can quickly and accurately locate faults, saving you time and money. To learn more or to request a service, contact us today.

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