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Lighting Installation & Lighting Maintenance Services for Residential & Commercial Properties

Whether you’re looking to install new lighting features or updating the current light fixtures for your home or commercial space, look no further than Casco Bay Electric. Our Google Reviews show our track record of excellence and reputation for quality work.  At CBE we look forward to being your residential and commercial lighting specialists servicing all of Southern Maine.

Lighting Installations Service in Central and Southern Maine

Quality Lighting Installation Work and Optimal Results

At Casco Bay Electric, we are committed to exceptional workmanship and optimal results. We bring our years of experience to the table with a team of highly knowledgeable lighting professionals who work diligently to understand your needs to bring them to life with precise installation and maintenance solutions that leave no room for error.

The Importance of Good Lighting

Adequate lighting is essential for both homes and businesses. It sets the space’s tone and contributes to a property’s functionality, practicality, and aesthetic value. That’s why when our Casco Bay Electric’s electricians provide lighting service to our customers, we ensure our lighting solutions check all the boxes, leaving them with exemplary results.

Full-Stack Lighting Service

Casco Bay Electric offers a full-stack selection of lighting solutions for your home or business. Whether you’re looking for a lighting installation service to enhance the ambiance and productivity of your property or a lighting maintenance service to promote longevity and energy efficiency, our team is equipped to handle an array of lighting needs and various types of lighting, including LED, incandescent, fluorescent, and beyond.

Residential Lighting Service

We provide interior and exterior residential lighting services. Whether you’re looking to increase your outdoor security with specialty lighting or highlight the beautiful character of the inside of your home with personalized lighting, Casco Bay Electric’s team is well-versed in the latest trends and technologies, enabling us to design and install lighting systems that exude aesthetic value, energy efficiency, and performance.

Commercial Lighting Service

At Casco Bay Electric, we understand the importance of proper commercial lighting. As such, we extend our services toward helping business owners design and install the most inviting and productive environments for their guests and employees. Additionally, we provide lighting maintenance service to maintain commercial lighting, deterring unforeseen downtime and costly repairs.

Tailor-Made Lighting Solutions

No two properties are the same. As such, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to lighting solutions. With Casco Bay Electric, you can expect a personalized lighting service to accommodate your specific needs and preferences. Our team considers your space, budget, and requirements to deliver results that exceed your expectations.

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Lighting

Casco Bay Electric prioritizes energy efficiency and sustainability. We provide solutions that aid in lowering energy consumption, utility costs, and the impact of our customers’ environmental footprint to promote a greener and healthier tomorrow. Our professionals offer a range of energy-efficient lighting options that are both unrivaled in performance and offer optimal energy savings, reducing the need for replacements and lowering overhead.

Choose Casco Bay Electric for Lighting Installation

As fully licensed and insured electricians with a wealth of industry experience, Casco Bay Electric is Southern Maine’s leading lighting service. We put the safety and satisfaction of our customers at the forefront of all we do, ensuring quality solutions that provide long-lasting performance, comfort, and peace of mind.

Whether you’re a homeowner looking for a lighting maintenance service to increase the efficiency of your home or a business owner looking for a custom-tailored lighting installation service to amplify productivity, Casco Bay Electric is here to make it happen. Contact us today to discuss your lighting service needs.

Your Local Licensed Electrical Experts. Available 24 Hours a Day.